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I tried adding the race myself via the CK


Made it playable as in selection at character startup.


But then I get CTD, do I need to change some form of animation mesh/skeleton the other normal races use?


If so, how do I extract it?

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Do they get a racial weakness to bonebreak and rockjoint? :P


All in all, an interesting idea. But I always saw skeletons as mindless, puppets who are 'programmed' with magick to follow an order from a necromancer until dismissed? I guess they could be possessed, glowy eyes and all. It can also be fun to cast a spell on a weak NPC which rips its bones from its flesh leaving a skeletal minion for you to command. ;)

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I don't want a shapeshift.


I want to make a pure skeleton race mod.


Which means you'll be able to wear armour and robes as a skeleton!

It'll be like, Necromancy for the Advanced. (Your basically a Lich in bones already)

Edited by Xiruki
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