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[Under Construction] Legat's Manor


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Hi together...


As mentioned in my welcome thread, I gonna post all my details for my house project in Rifton here, including the help I need to let this project become a great one.

Let's hope a few here are interested in some co-work ;-)




Player Residence in Rifton, based on imperial Legion Design.

The house itself uses the standart Rifton wall textures to fit in the landscape, final position in Rifton will be set later in the progress.

Inside you will find alchemy, enchanting, cooking and smithing tools, wood chopping and smelting will be outside - also set later in the progress.


Basic design will contain a loft style ground floor with a large room containing kitchen, dining room, living room, study section and crafting section only seperated by decoration and pillars.

Only room in ground floor will contain a storage room including the door to the basement level.

First floor will have all the beds and access to the balkony area. Depending on how good the roof creation will work, the house will have 2 balkonies or one balkony and a watchtower (Legion style).


The house itself will have a strict functionally design, containers will have names for the parts they are ment to be used for. (Alchemy bag, Ingredients Cupboard, Smithing Crate, and so on...)

There will be plenty of decoration options like weapon caches and armor puppets - BUT this is the part where I need the most of your help.


Detailled Progress:

alpha Status:

• Basic Construction of Dungeon in Basement

• Basic Construction of Ground Floor

• Basic Construction of First Floor

• Basic Construction of Roof / Balkony / Watch Tower

• Basic Construction of Outside Landscape

• Basic Shaping and placement of the house in Rifton

beta Status:

• First, private Release for Beta Testing and finding glitches in the base (*help needed)

[Alpha Release: ]

○ Adding Decoration to the interieur (*help needed)

○ Adding Decoration to the Landscape Area

○ Config and Setup of special feature in dungeon below mansion

○ Adding Decoration to the dungeon area

Pre-Release Fixes Status:

○ Setup and Placement of Bodyguard Soldier (*help needed)

○ Setup and Config of Quest to access the residence (*help needed)

○ Final Testing of all Features and last beta tests for new bugs or glitches found during creation progress (*help needed)

○ Finalisation of the walkthrough blog article and information video

Public Release:

○ Publishing artwork, walktrough and video at youtube

○ Upload to steam workshop

○ Expacted time of Release: no date yet


As you see, I just started and there is still a lot to do, but once I started something, I gonna work on it till is perfectly working. Depending how much help I get, it might take a month or half a year - no idea, but I WILL do this :)

What do I need from you:

1. For beta testing I need willing players to run around in a nearly empty house and search corners and walls for glitches or texture bugs. Any general feedback is welcome in this step. I'd love to use my Teamspeak together with a few of you and walk around together in the house to talk about details directly.

2. About the intereur decoration, I still have problems with weapon caches and bookshelves. Own created ones wont work, so what I do now is open existing player houses and copy the items out of there. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I hope anyone out there is willing to check what I am doing wrong so I can do all the work myself - alternatively anyone who wants to "code" my placed items in the house is welcome and will maybe help to safe some time - still I'd prefer to finally understand what I am doing wrong...

3.) The same for characters like soldier bodyguards or armor puppets. I manage it to set up a puppet and it works to handle stuff over, but the puppet is moving and acts weired, once it got armor parts. Any help here is greatly welcome.

4.) I did NOT at all check in creating quests yet, so no idea if I will need help here. Anyways I marked it as a coop part in the creation progress.

5.) Anyone interested in may participate on a closed final testing before launch, just contact me here.


I really hope, a few out there are nearly as crazy as I am in doing things like this, any help is welcome.

Best Regards


Edited by the7thguest
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Little Update.


The buildings inside rooms are now complete, there is a dungeon, a ground floor and a first floor so far.

Ground floor is basically set with first benches and crafting tools.


Anyone who is used to the ingame console is welcome to contact me here and I will send you the file and you can check out the progress so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another Update.


I am now ready for first beta release, alpha status is completed.

The house is located next to the Rifton Gate near the Stable.


Anyone interested in the project, just download the WinRar file and extract the .esp into your Data folder of Skyrim (where skyrim.esp is located).


I really hope for some testers out there and some replies of found bugs / glitches, also pm's are very welcome.



Found Bugs and known Issues:

- Due to medium to high modification of the area aroung Riften Gate including markers for civil war it might raise your loading time if you reach the area the first time.

- If it seems that the house is hovering in air, please stay in the area for a few seconds. The Terrain Structure will load completely depending of your system performance. If waiting doesnt help, try to enter the building and head out again.

- Because of some fine tuning to the whole complex, a few walls opened some glitches, mainly at the frontside of the house.

- A simple pillar is left in front of the house which shouldn't be there (still left from my editing Terrain markers, sorry)

- Puppet platforms doesn't fit well, are a little too small

- Some containers have weired names and strange items / gold amounts in it. This is left ftom some loot tests and well be corrected.

- The shadow / light effects from the living room fireplace seems to have a little glitch

- Forgot the outside part from the living room fireplace

- The house seems to be built into the Rifton Citywalls a bit, this might stay like this or may be changed, not sure yet.

- Missing the armor enchanting table at the smithing area

Edited by the7thguest
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