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How to get a quest to start immediately


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Apparently I've been looking in all the wrong places and can't seem to find anything that allows me to immediately add a quest to the questbook when a game is started/loaded. I know it worked in previous games (TES4, FO3), but since the scripting language is different my findings have been a bit inconclusive.


I've also went into another mod that used a quest/script to add an item to the player's inventory immediately, but the author didn't leave too many helpful comments and I can't make heads or tails of the script to adapt it to list a quest.


Can anyone tell me what I need to do? "Start Game Enabled" is checked, but from what I understand, that just means it allows the quest to be activated immediately without any prerequisite requirements (eg, finishing another quest first etc).


Any help is sincerely appreciated.

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Step 1: Set your Quest to Start Game Enabled. But then, you probably saw that coming.

Step 2: Select the Quest Stage you want to run right away and toggle the "Start Up Stage" checkbox at the top of the Stages window. This stage will run immediately after the Quest starts, and the Quest will start as soon as the mod is booted up.

Note that this might not work if you've saved the game in-between first running the Start Game Enabled quest and adding/toggling the Start Up Stage.


The important distinction is between starting a Quest and running a Quest Stage/displaying a Quest Objective (I think? I'm still new to the Creation Kit as well) that shows the Quest to the player. Setting a Quest to Start Game Enabled or giving it a Start scripting command will just cause its scripts to run, its dialogue to be used, etc. You don't get a journal message until you run a Stage that gives you said journal message.

Edited by LoginToDownload
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