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Finer Jetpack Control


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Putting it as tersely as I can...


I'm an OG (Orginal Gamer) and think of jet packs in much the same way as I think of the jump jets in MechWarrior.




Hold activation key duration for control of launch physics.


Feather activation duration key for control of landing physics so as to avoid incurring Leg Damage (Back Then) or better control over Hostile Landing Effects (Currently).


Ideally apply a No AP drain option to this for those of us who would like it to be this way.

Edited by GrimReapers1
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There are a couple of mods already that " basically " do this.


I am not sure what this means?



Hostile Landing Effects (Currently)


Here are some mods that I use:


Personal Jetpack by idlesheep

Better Jetpack (Faster and Longer) by Mysteryman88
Lowered Jetpack AP Drain by grasmann
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Basically if you land from sufficient height and stagger friendlies they often become hostile as if you'd attacked them. I'm using a mod that eliminates this as well as variations of the ones you've listed.


What I'm trying for is to be able to use the jetpack to control my rate of descent via deceleration so I'm not trying to simulate an extinction level asteroid impact all the time.

Edited by GrimReapers1
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