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Mini MacCready


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So we all know that...

MacCready left his sick son in capital wastelands. After his personal quest we never hear from/about him again.

I would adore if somebody wrote a mod that would add a little MacCready to the game. He can come on his own/travel with a caravan I'll leave story to the mod author I just ask that he was a little s*** we would all expect from MacCready offspring. :smile:

Edited by Syngrith
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I believe you have your lore backwards (though I haven't completed MacCready's personal quest because I could never tolerate his presence long enough to do so, so I could be mistaken). The MacCready in the Capital Wasteland you meet in Little Lamplight is the SAME MacCready ten years before the events of Fallout 4. Regardless, this does give me a fun idea.


New Lamplight: Basically, after growing up, the children of Little Lamplight scattered across the wastes. Several of them founded small settlements across the wasteland. While MacCready was not one of them, his acquaintance Princess was. Situated beneath the Rotten Landfill, New Lamplight is a small series of caverns that lead to an incomplete Vault (think partial caverns and vault bits mixed together, with some caved-in areas and a large enough space to build a settlement or vault in) where Princess leads a small rag-tag band of children. New Lamplight is a place for the orphaned children of the Commonwealth, never to be revealed to Mungos. Rumor around the Commonwealth has it (among children) that, if you are orphaned or captured by Raiders, you can find your way to it by lamplight. MacCready, of course, being one of the exceptionally few Mungos who know of its location.


This could be a location that only unlocks upon completing MacCready's personal quest, complete with its own series of quests, stories, and characters.

Edited by Flowerguy360
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But, quest spoiler:

MacCready has a son

and this person would be a companion after completing the quest.


As for Little Lamplight, still bothers me: where did these children come from? It's like they didn't have parents.

Edited by MeetTheFuture
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But, quest spoiler:

MacCready has a son

and this person would be a companion after completing the quest.


As for Little Lamplight, still bothers me: where did these children come from? It's like they didn't have parents.


Yep. If memory serves, he and Lucy got together, but she's passed now.


What I don't know is what happens to the son after the quest is finished and MacCready resumes traveling with you. My idea would serve as a plausible explanation for where the son would go, and dropping his son off would also be a reason why MacCready would share the secret of the location with you: to drop the boy off in Princess' care.


It would also be kind of neat to have a place like this to send Synth Shaun to if you end up with him after completing the main quest line.

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Nope I have my lore straight. Sorry for a spoiler. Anyway...


But, quest spoiler:

MacCready has a son

and this person would be a companion after completing the quest.


As for Little Lamplight, still bothers me: where did these children come from? It's like they didn't have parents.


They were probably orphans send or escorted to Little Lamplight by people who grew up there. At least this is my theory.


Also MacCready isn't that old. He's 22 in F4 so...

...kid would be 5-6 max. It just bugs me that he's mentioned in his personal quest. And then not spoken of again as we know MacCready's wife is dead. Where is the kid? In Little Lamplight? In Big Town? I want to see them reunited and little one being a monster (like he was as a kid) would be a bonus.

I wanna mod for that but I can't make character models to save my life and let's not even begin on voices.


- EDIT -


I don't think anybody would be doing a Little Lamplight mod any time soon (unfortunately), but I'd be happy with just a custom NPC mod.

Edited by Syngrith
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Nope I have my lore straight. Sorry for a spoiler. Anyway...


But, quest spoiler:

MacCready has a son

and this person would be a companion after completing the quest.


As for Little Lamplight, still bothers me: where did these children come from? It's like they didn't have parents.


They were probably orphans send or escorted to Little Lamplight by people who grew up there. At least this is my theory.


Also MacCready isn't that old. He's 22 in F4 so...

...kid would be 5-6 max. It just bugs me that he's mentioned in his personal quest. And then not spoken of again as we know MacCready's wife is dead. Where is the kid? In Little Lamplight? In Big Town? I want to see them reunited and little one being a monster (like he was as a kid) would be a bonus.

I wanna mod for that but I can't make character models to save my life and let's not even begin on voices.


- EDIT -


I don't think anybody would be doing a Little Lamplight mod any time soon (unfortunately), but I'd be happy with just a custom NPC mod.


Okay. I must have misread that somehow - my apologies.


Yeah. Makes sense. What would be even more fun would probably be to just give him a script where he can run around reverse pick-pocketing enemies and dropping grenades down their pants, since (as a mod) you'd likely want him to be essential and not having enemies shooting at him. Since MacCready is your companion, and he isn't, you'd likely want to set the factions so that he was allied to the player, but not a companion, but set as a companion to MacCready instead. It could be a fun little mod. :)


I'd suggest looking at mods like Diverse Children (is that the name?), Orphans of the Commonwealth, and Raider Children, etc. to get a custom body going. Other than that it should be a basic companion. Trick would be voicing him; you'd need to find a pro-bono female voice actress (if you didn't already know, it is fairly typical theatre practice to voice young boys using an adult female as they sound similar - Bart Simpson, IIRC, is voiced by a woman).

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This is where I wish: Beth would have DUMPED the Fallout meets Sim City and actually did more with the characters:


MacCready is one. Yes it would have been ' nice ' to see the Quest completed by bring the boy " home " to his dad. Certainly a lot better than the dead end: Synth Shaun, as that was a serious let down and disappointment.


Deacon - and his history w/the " Deathclaws " and Barbara. There is a lot of rich material there.


Piper & Sister - what happened that got her ( Piper ) in the News Paper path? What happened to the parents? Is that how Piper got into News? Trying to figure out what happened to her parents? Synth's maybe and is Sister maybe a synth?


and so on ....

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I feel like we might find out what happened to MacCready's son in Fallout 5. Sort of like how the Institute was previewed in Fallout 3. Though I'd love to find out if the medicine worked or not already, was really confused about why that wasn't told in the game.



Piper & Sister - what happened that got her ( Piper ) in the News Paper path? What happened to the parents? Is that how Piper got into News? Trying to figure out what happened to her parents? Synth's maybe and is Sister maybe a synth?


We find that out in the game, through dialogue with Piper.


Piper and her sister grew up in a settlement with their father. Their father was a part of the local guard. Their father found out that the leader of the guard was planning on selling them out to raiders, and their father was killed for not wanting to be a part of it. This caused Piper to print a bunch of wanted posters with the leader of the guard on them, which caused the rest of the settlers to jail/kill/throw out (I forget off the top of my head) the leader of the guard. They then made a trap for the raiders.


Some time later Piper and her sister found their way to Diamond City where Piper found that not everything was perfect (I believe there was a hole in a wall that was only covered up by a bookshelf... something like that), so she started a newspaper telling everyone about the truth of things. Which was fine at first, but later people stopped trusting her, since they wouldn't know if she'd use whatever they said in her newspaper or not. Especially after she started telling the "bad news" (about synths and so on). People have tried to assassinate her (even the Children of Atom did so, by giving her an insanely irradiated drink), she's been arrested multiple times, and is very used to death threats.


The only thing I remember about her sister is that Sheng has a crush on her. :tongue:


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I have two big mods I'm working on right now and I simply don't have time to do this. Although a little kid running around stealing stuff would be cute. Biggest problem would be voice-acting as always. I'd do the voice myself if my accent wasn't so bad. As for model you'd need playable children. Make a character and then face-rip him to make him unique looking. And maybe setscale(0.9) so he looks his age.

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