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Looking for collaberators for my Silent Hill mod

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Hello good people!

A while back I made it known to the world that I'm working on a dlc-ish mod. The content is a new town in a new world space. The town is more or less ripped of Silent Hill 2. So the mod is horror themed.

Visit www.stonecrownstudios.com to see pictures.

I realized that if I want to see this mod finished before I die I need help. So message me if you want to help in any of the following ways:

-Build dungeons -Build an area of the town. -Place clutter and setdressing objects. -Play test and give feedback -Design puzzles -Or something I haven't thought of yet. -Create easter eggs. -Make custom textures or meshes for objects or characters.

Right now the mod only has one playable dungeon, that includes story/ quest, puzzles and enemies.

Thank you for your time. Let's get swiftey!

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