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Got new computer, now game randomly goes at super speed


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I just got a new computer, even without mods this bug appears.


Ive even set the sensitvity down on everything, that isnt the issue.


Occasionally when im playing, time suddenly speeds up and just touching the forward control sends me barrelling off into the sunset. Ive tried using the console to set the game time to slower with SGTM command but this actually had no effect at all.


Its completley random, sometimes happens in a menu and other times while playing normally, then it might return to normal after a few minutes or sometimes i have to exit the game and reload it and even then it sometimes appears straight away


Dont even know where to begin looking for whats causing the problem

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Also, check your BIOS/UEFI setup. You may have a timer issue or some power saving setting that aggressively ramps the CPU speed up and down dramatically or turns cores on and off in a new way that the OS or programs don't deal with very well.

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