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Dear Pirate Roberts clothing


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A mod request for the outfit worn by Wesley AKA The Dread Pirate Roberts in the Princess Bride. Should looks like 'clothes' but count as 'light armor' for game purposes.


Black do-rag/mask

Black laced-neck pirate shirt

Black pants

Black cuffed boots


If anyone could do it, much gracias!

Edited by JMarso
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  • 4 years later...

I can't do 3d modeling, so there's not a whole lot of help I can offer, but maybe if you combine this Zorro mask mod




with a generic black clothing mod and either the necromancer or fine black boots?


I have a set of black miner's clothes...no billowing sleeves but it's black clothing. Let me know and I'll figure out a way to get it to you.

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