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Vampires... What's up that!?


TES Vampire Poll  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Do TES Vampires need improvement?

    • They should be much more powerful but not over powerful.
    • Dragonborn? Screw that! Give me Alucard!
    • They need improvement.
    • They're good enough.
    • They should be removed completely.
    • They should have more passive skills.
    • They should have more aggressive skills.

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each area has its own kind of vampires, and while i don't need overly powerful vampires, vampires that stick to TES lore would be a good place to start. what happened to all the vampire powers i've been reading about in the earlier games such as oblivion, morrowind, etc. with the exception of cyrodiilic vampires... since when does going hungry make vampires stronger? sure they might be more dangerous when thirsty, but physically weaker. I’m tired, it’s late & I can’t remember where I was going with this. So I’ll end it here. oh, why can't vampires become somewhat stronger with age? or more useful? you can still have a bit of fun & stick to lore at the some time.


---edit (nearly left this out)

i voted "they should be much more powerful but not over powerful"

Edited by Invisible Man
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each area has its own kind of vampires, and while i don't need overly powerful vampires, vampires that stick to TES lore would be a good place to start. what happened to all the vampire powers i've been reading about in the earlier games such as oblivion, morrowind, etc. with the exception of cyrodiilic vampires... since when does going hungry make vampires stronger? sure they might be more dangerous when thirsty, but physically weaker. I’m tired, it’s late & I can’t remember where I was going with this. So I’ll end it here. oh, why can't vampires become somewhat stronger with age? or more useful? you can still have a bit of fun & stick to lore at the some time.


---edit (nearly left this out)

i voted "they should be much more powerful but not over powerful"

Exactly. Vampires do not become stronger as they become hungrier. Vampires should get stronger with age. It makes sense.

In my opinion Skyrim DESERVES better vampires. We have Dark Mages, White Mages, Psijic Mages, Skeletons, Draughs, Dragons, Orcs, Elves/High, Argonians, Humans, Dragonborns, and all of them are fittingly balanced for Skyrim. But no. Vampires are simply ignored and etiolated. And they do not stop at leaving out a motley of potential abilities but they in fact include few but consequential negative side-effects.

It's just wrong. I like vampires. I really do and I find the lack of thought on them simply wrong.

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Because Vampires in TES is not the same type of Vampires you see on movies with the speed, strength and all that. They're necromancer, illusionist and manilpulators with a lifesteal spell. They don't suck in general, they aren't just the sort of Vampire you expected. Vampires in TES are basically dark mages,

Yeah. That doesn't make sense. Dark mages are Dark mage. Vampires are Vampires. That's how it works. They shouldn't have made a human/weak dark mage/heliophobic abomination.


If you were weaned on the recent vampire stories, then yes, you can have a different version of "vampire", based on romaticized vampire descriptions dating from the 1800s with Bram Stoker. Older vampire legends don't give vampires super speed or strength. In fact, ancient African vampire legends tell of vampires as creatures who suck blood, turn into black birds and summon fire and lightning. As far as I know as well, pre-European vampire legends do not give Vampires superhuman strength or speed.


EDIT: I meant pre-medieval not pre-European.


Atleast those Vampires could summon fire and lightning. What do we get? Vampire seduction and few other skills not even worth mentioning. But wait, we have a skill to rescue the vampiric race from the bottom of food chain Embrace of Shadows. Oh, nevermind, we can only use it when we're beind constantly attacked by raging mobs. Luckily, I was lvl 37 with full Ruthless Dragonslay Armor(Flawless) or else I would die everytime I step into a city. That is if, the guards don't bug out and kill the NON-RESPAWNABLE villagers and leave my game empty. (Which they did.)

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Yeah. That doesn't make sense. Dark mages are Dark mage. Vampires are Vampires. That's how it works. They shouldn't have made a human/weak dark mage/heliophobic abomination.


With all due respect, what you mean is that "this implementation of a fantasy creature doesn't fit well with my conceptions of what it should be, which I find both irritating and unsettling." Skyrim vampires are not modern pulp fiction vampires. If you personally dislike that download or better yet write a mod! they are your tools for changing Skyrim to better fit your personal vision of what the game should be. If you really want to play a game that revoves around vampires I heartily recomend "Vampire: the masquerade


As an aside: It seems fairly obvious that the skyrim vampiric disease is suppressed by feeding not enhanced by it. I suppose one could make a (dubious) connection to drug addiction; the deleterious effects of the addiction mostly crop up when one is in withdrawl. Only these effects do more than cold sweats and irritability...

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Because Vampires in TES is not the same type of Vampires you see on movies with the speed, strength and all that. They're necromancer, illusionist and manilpulators with a lifesteal spell. They don't suck in general, they aren't just the sort of Vampire you expected. Vampires in TES are basically dark mages,

Yeah. That doesn't make sense. Dark mages are Dark mage. Vampires are Vampires. That's how it works. They shouldn't have made a human/weak dark mage/heliophobic abomination.


If you were weaned on the recent vampire stories, then yes, you can have a different version of "vampire", based on romaticized vampire descriptions dating from the 1800s with Bram Stoker. Older vampire legends don't give vampires super speed or strength. In fact, ancient African vampire legends tell of vampires as creatures who suck blood, turn into black birds and summon fire and lightning. As far as I know as well, pre-European vampire legends do not give Vampires superhuman strength or speed.


EDIT: I meant pre-medieval not pre-European.


Atleast those Vampires could summon fire and lightning. What do we get? Vampire seduction and few other skills not even worth mentioning. But wait, we have a skill to rescue the vampiric race from the bottom of food chain Embrace of Shadows. Oh, nevermind, we can only use it when we're beind constantly attacked by raging mobs. Luckily, I was lvl 37 with full Ruthless Dragonslay Armor(Flawless) or else I would die everytime I step into a city. That is if, the guards don't bug out and kill the NON-RESPAWNABLE villagers and leave my game empty. (Which they did.)


Skills not worth mentioning? You have increased illusion and sneak, and summoning fire and lightning isn't too big a deal when you can do it without being a vampire. With the increase in illusion, formerly immune to illusion characters are affected. Heck you can even turn an entire village to kill each other if you want with a single spell. With the increase in sneak, you'll be sneakier than thieves and assassins, no one will know you're there.


You just have a concept of vampires heavily influenced by pop culture. It doesn't mean that if the concept of vampires in Skyrim are derived from the more archaic legends instead of Underworld makes it wrong, it just makes it different.

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