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what color mold grows on your socks if you


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Now, i usually don't indulge in this inane hax0r language, but this is an exception. WTF u sto0pid no0b fool! I cannot believe that you actually took that idiotic point i made and used it.


:angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:


Phew! Anyway, i have never indulged in this practice. Sorry about that... :blush:

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I have never dipped my socks in yogurt, though I once stepped in cat s***. Most of mold experiments involve coffee and tea. I had originally thought that coffee was too acidic to support mold growth, though I have prove myself wrong on numerous occasions. Currently, my office is home to 3 on-going mold experiments, and my trash can (which the stupid janitor only empties once a week) is another experiment all on its own...more related to the creation of odd smells than mold per se.
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The best experiment to do with socks and mould is to take an extended two month holiday just after you have emptied the washing machine. The one sock that is inevitably left behind will be highly cultured when you return. Sadly it is far less colourful than the suggestions made after dipping in yoghurt. Might the colour not depend on the kind of yoghurt used?
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