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Turning a welcome mat into a bar - fallout 4


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Hey guys,


so for one of my mods I want to turn a welcome mat into a bar, since the location doesn't permit placing a regular stand. I figured out how to make it work partially- I've changed the mesh of the bar into that of the welcome mat, and in game if I command a companion to walk over to it and use it, they'll stand on it and put their hands on the counter that is already there. This shows that the animations correctly line up.


The problem is, if I go into workshop mode and try to assign a companion to that bar like you would with a normal stand, it simply cannot be highlighted. Are there certain keywords I may be missing? Something to make it highlight-able? For reference, it does already contain the workshopobjectscript (as it is a duplicate of the existing level 3 bar in game, only with a new model)


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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