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Permanent glowing fear effect bug plz help


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At the start of the Ill Met By Moonlight quest you speak to Sinding and he tells you to take the ring then transforms and climbs out, well in my case he also howled putting a fear effect on my character that causes me to glow red and seems to have glitched out and became Permanent for the duration timer on it is stuck at 29 seconds now I have tryed disabling it with the console and trying various in game solutions and nothing works, in the active effects in the magic tab its called sent of blood/werewolf howl terror 1, commands like dispelallspells and various other commands do not help. I have even tryed useing the creation kit to disable the ugly red glow shader but me being a noob could not get that to work either.




Nevermind I found out what the problem was it being 2 mods conflicting

Edited by Alstren
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