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OK so i need help i recently re-installed FNV and installed NVSE

and when i try to load NVSE it just shows and black screen for a second and then nothing else not even load the very loading screen at the beginning HELP

am i missing files i got it off the official website its the beta 3 here is what my main folder looks like

and my NMM

UPDATE: i tried to use the normal launcher and after i pressed play the same thing happens just a quick short black screen then nothing else happens I NEED HELP FNV IS MY FAVORITE GAME

Edited by RAPIDG4M3R11
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I suspect you are a bit confused about the role of NVSE. It's a "library" of subroutines (a "dll" file) used by scripts. YOU don't do anything with it once it is installed. (Which is why you got a black screen.) Mods that rely upon it's routines call them as needed. If no mods call for it, then it doesn't get used.


For a more extensive description, see the 'Script Extenders' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.

Please see the 'Checklist item #4' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide if you want to know how to determine it is installed and functioning correctly.



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