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Midas Spells on Creatures

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I don't know if someone already posted this but I'm wondering why I can't get this to work.


I've been trying to give creatures such as Liches, Midas spells like freeze ray, blizzard, meteor, etc. Well I start the construction set, check oblivion and midas and begin.


I begin by editting a lich removing all spells from spell area and I gave it like 25000 spell points so it never runs out of money too quickly and begin simply dragging midas spells into the spell section.


I press ok and place a lich in an area which was the market district in my case. I saved under a different name and tested. The thing worked and the Lich was there but he never casted any of the midas spells (Or any spell for that matter) and simply just stood while about 15 people kept attacking him.


Am I missing something because how can I get creatures or npcs to cast midas spells?

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You might be able to find better help for this type of thing on the oblivion construction set website, they have a whole section for it im sure.
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