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Dumbest Mod Idea You'll Read In Your Entire Life


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So I make a lot of dumb request and I have worked really hard at this one.


I'd like to have a mod that makes a Vertibird fly way up in the sky. Way up there. Then I want a parachute and sky dive over areas of interest.


The bird should be set to fly to between sets of two per-determined points. Map marker Point A - B Should cover several areas of the map. It should be up to the me the player of when I jump out and perform HALO or HAHO maneuvers.


Oh and this should totally work on stealth. Like no enemy detection until well they see you. But they shouldn't be shooting at you for the get go.


That's my awesomely super impossible can never be done totally stupid idea. What do you think? Is it not the dumbest idea you've come across here?

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Nope. Somebody actually made a banana gun. Your idea sounds fun, and kind of doable. Disable falling damage. Make player jump on activator pressesed. Add parachute for looks. Slow player down if needed. I don't think stealth part would work, it's not dishonored. On landing reset player speed if needed. Turn falling damage back on. Done. Also i don't know how high you can go. Use console command to make player fly and chceck it :p to make vertibird fly higher you would need to set it's pos z higher.
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You would need a wearable item - parachute (model and animation) and some animations for air evolutions as without them you would just fall a really long time legs first.I'm not sure how to solve the landing except for all effect go away on parachute unequipped

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