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Soul Accessibility (Soul Gem modification)


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Hello Nexus Forums.

It's been a while.


When I play Skyrim I like to do a lot of enchanting. Who doesn't?

What bothers me is constantly running out of soul gems.

So what I'm looking for is a mod that does one of the following:


1. Make Azura's Star and the Black Star (two only two re-usable Soul Gems in the game) able to store as many souls at once as I please.

This would be very awesome indeed, as it would still be required of me to acquire the souls myself, but they would all be stored away for later use inside a single Soul Gem of endless capacity.


2. Make all Soul Gems re-usable.

This would be nice too, as I would be able to do almost the same as stated above I.E. grind all the souls I want (or I have space for), and then retreat to my lair and do all the evil enchanting that I had planned to do with them. Afterwards I would not have to worry about missing all my Soul Gems, as they would all just be empty and waiting to be filled again.

This would not be quite as nice as number one, but it would be a fair substitute, as I think number one might be really hard/impossible to make (even though I guess nothing is truly impossible to make with the Creation Engine).


3. Make All Soul Gems inexhaustible.

Make it so that a filled Soul Gem will never deplete.

Now, I realize that this last one is a bit on the cheating side, but I assure you that I would prefer any of the above two to it. This is simply here if the above ones are too hard/too tiresome to make.


As you have probably realized, these solutions are numbered in the order of how much I like them myself (1 being the most preferred and 3 being the least preferred).


Thanks to anyone who read my request to the end, and I hope to hear what you think soon :D

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