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Machinima friendly mod?


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Hi all,


I was wondering if it's possible (haven't found it as of yet) for someone to create a mod to allow you to control your character whilst using the console command camera functions (such as TFC)? I make Skyrim machinimas and this would make it so much easier to do them and would allow better vids to be made by everyone.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Ew, Machinima really is not welcome near me or any of my mods. Have you heard they signed in one of the annoying reply girls? They treat their talent like crap too by forcing them to reshare videos and etc to get more views.


This video points out some pretty disturbing details on their partnership program, but might not entirely be appropriate for you to be playing full blast on your speakers. User discretion is advised. :armscrossed:






EDIT: found this video after they filed false DMCA claims... >.>

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