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A mod like the Apachii Goddess Store


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The only problem I see with that is if you collect all the mods together in one .esp you get a MONSTER .esp. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea, and want it as badly as you do... It's just the practicality of it that's at issue.


I don't suppose there's a way to make a batch file that would assemble a store's wares from a given list of .esp files? There's a lot of armors, etc. that are just kind of floating around without any adequate way to get them outside of using a console command, being able to automagically have them appear as someone's stock would save a lot of work for the player.


Although my idea was for a mailbox sort-of system, where the items would be delivered into a chest or to the player via the Courier. Maybe the ideas could be combined and have a Courier who is a store employee. ^_^

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