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Modder's Resource: Trophy Shelves


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I was playing with a mod that added a library to Breezehome (long overdue, and it works great) and I decided that I also want a place to display some of my other junk as well. Special weapons, rare armors, helmets and jewelry, and other tchotchke that we all pick up during our travels. But there's no decent way to show them off.


Well, I'd like that to change. Much as the book shelf accepts books then scripturally arranges them on the shelf or the weapons rack pops your swords/whatever into place, I'd like to be able to plunk down some of my more fun items onto a surface and have them arrange themselves safely and orderly for viewing. Sure, I can drop them, then pick them up by holding "E", but have you ever tried to do that for any careful arranging? It's like having one invisible arm that's locked in a cast and has fallen asleep. I may as well just drop the items on the floor and leave them there if that's my only choice.


I'm not thinking specialty shelves for each item, complete with display plaques and catalog numbers (though I admit that would be fun), I'm just thinking something for modders to be able to include in homes and additions. It would give the homes more individual personality and allow for more reward for achievements in the game, because you'd SEE what you'd succeeded at doing.

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