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Couple Mod Ideas (Mainly Cage/Spike Armor hood minus the mask)


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So Ive been looking for a couple days and cant find a mod that incorporates the Cage/Spike armor helmet without the face mask, the hood itself looks awesome, but, personally, I hate the helmet (mainly the yellow coloring)\


To a lesser degree I've been thinking of two melee weapons that'd be cool.:


Lightning Hammer: A 2h hammer (probably a special sledgehammer with tesla coils on it) that when it strikes someone it works like the tesla rifle, chain lightning to nearby enemies, or even when hitting the ground, maybe a 1 eyed Super Mutant named "The Allfather" uses it until you defeat him?


Brotherhood Greatsword: A large, broad-bladed greatsword used by Brotherhood Sentinels (or whomever), I figured with the whole Arthurian/Camelot references the sword would fit in well. "Following continuous conflicts in the Capital Wasteland with Super Mutants, the Brotherhood felt the need to design a weapon that could easily cleave through the thick skins of Super Mutants while also solving their issue of dwindling supplies following their separation from the western chapter. The symbolism of large, armor wearing knights wielding swords did well to improve their image before the masses of the Capital Wasteland. Following the death of Owen Lyons and Sarah Lyons "being killed in action", the swords were retired, Arthur Maxson has sought fit to reintroduce them.

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