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Clipping... EVERYWHERE


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I'm about 16-20 hours into creating my dream house. I have a lot of issues with walls clipping. Is there any way to make this stop? I've figured out how to make my doors and archways not clip by raising the z level by 1, but I'm not sure what to do for walls. When I'm running through the house in the game, the whole building is VERY slightly laggy, I think due to the clipping. Speak noob, because I'm not very good at this stuff. :P
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I'm using the Solitude doors and walls. I am using the snap to grid, but at 8 instead of the standard 128 like it says in the tutorial because otherwise the pieces won't fit together right. I'm wondering if I should go down to 4, but I just finished the whole house.. Lol. I fixed issues I had of the doors clipping with the floors by setting the z level of the door 1 higher than the floor. But my columns and walls clip a lot.
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I'm using the Solitude doors and walls. I am using the snap to grid, but at 8 instead of the standard 128 like it says in the tutorial because otherwise the pieces won't fit together right. I'm wondering if I should go down to 4, but I just finished the whole house.. Lol. I fixed issues I had of the doors clipping with the floors by setting the z level of the door 1 higher than the floor. But my columns and walls clip a lot.

Nearly same things happened to my first two tries of houses... As I'm pretty nooby in CK I solved it a special way. I activated all the snapping (Q and Ctrl Q), set down the scale to one and just duped parts insted of inserting new ones. This way all the parts were in the cell in the totally exact parameters and no more glitches came up...


Maybe this helps you too a bit...


In the meantime I got pretty used to place the parts even free hand in the cell. If I have problems with the border I use two ways: 1.) I use different Z coordinates 2.) I dont use mouse but the item preferences window. Zoom all the way in and set the scale to 0.1 or even small (down to 0.0001) and the use the little arrow buttons in the preferences window to move the part in the cell... You can go ultimative precise this way.


Another way is to place em a little - uh how shall i say - with different angles. Hard to describe...

Two Walls: - -

Dont place em straight like -- but with a little angle like V but for sure only a little angle. Only 1 or 2 degrees and it helps a lot with getting rid of glitches.


Good luck m8 and enjoy, the more you play with the CK the more you will see and find out. Its so ultimative big and so wunderfull if you start to get used to it a bit. :)




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