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Script Works, would like help


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Hi I'm wxyu, a new beginner modder.


I have a script that works, but not entirely the way I would like it. I would appreciate some input.


The following script is an Enchantment Script written in Creation Kit. The purpose of the Enchantment is to:


A weapon that applies three effects for each hit up to the final hit.

On the final hit, a separate effect is applied; all previous effects are removed with the final hit.

The number of hits to the final hit is random.


What doesn't work/could be improved:

1) a damage modifier calculation

2) an array that I keep re-creating per hit instead of OnInit

3) a timer (Utility.Wait) to dispel all effects iff the player has not finished the series of hits within 30 seconds


Problem 1

       int Modifier = (10 - smiteCountTemp)/10 *  WYUPlayerHolder.GetLevel()

Debugging smiteCountTemp gives me integers 6 to 1 as expected.

Debugging (10 - smiteCountTemp)/10 gives me 0.

? Integer/Float mismatch OR math fail?

Also, is there a way to have

       int Modifier = 0.4 * WYUPlayerHolder.GetLevel()

As 0.4 is a float


Problem 2

        Event OnEffectStart (Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	Spell[] WYUsmiteSpellArray = new Spell[2]

This means (I assume) that my array is recreated every time the Enchant is triggered (on Contact in this instance).

I tried creating the Array in OnInit, but the OnEffectStart won't recognize the array then.

I tried putting the Array into a GlobalVariable. Won't work. :biggrin:

I tried creating the Array outside a function. Won't work.

I crazily thought I could extend OnEffectStart to receive an Array as an argument. Doesn't work that way. :biggrin:

Any ideas? I'd prefer to create the array only OnInit.


Problem 3

My simplistic thinking was this: (pseudo)

When start hitting-chain, set a timer (to dispel all effects), set a flag (to say I'm in hitting-chain)

When finish hitting-chain, set flag (to say I'm not in hitting-chain)

When timer fires, check if IT is the last timer, then fire (dispel all effects)

My concern is a timer created in Iteration 1 of the Enchantment dispels all effects of Iteration 2 mid-way during Iteration 2's 30 second allotment (if that makes sense)

A simple solution would be to delete Timer on hitting-chain end. However, I don't know of any other Timer method (that can be deleted) other than Utility.Wait




Scriptname WYUScriptMGEFSmite extends activemagiceffect  

Spell Property WYUSpellSmitingStagger Auto
Spell Property WYUSpellSmitingDisarm Auto
Spell Property WYUSpellSmitingFear Auto
Spell Property WYUSpellSmitingFireStorm Auto
GlobalVariable Property smiteCountHolder Auto
GlobalVariable Property smiteFiredHolder Auto
GlobalVariable Property smiteUtilityWaitCountHolder Auto
GlobalVariable Property smiteDamageModSumHolder Auto
Function SetScale(float afScale) native
Actor Property WYUPlayerHolder Auto

Event OnEffectStart (Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	; MAKE ArrayofSpells, not sure how to avoid this every time
	Spell[] WYUsmiteSpellArray = new Spell[2]
	WYUsmiteSpellArray[0] = WYUSpellSmitingStagger
	WYUsmiteSpellArray[1] = WYUSpellSmitingFear
	;WYUsmiteSpellArray[2] = WYUSpellSmitingDisarm 

	int ArrayLengthMinusOne = WYUsmiteSpellArray.length
	ArrayLengthMinusOne = ArrayLengthMinusOne - 1

	int smiteCountTemp = smiteCountHolder.GetValueInt()
	int smiteFiredTemp = smiteFiredHolder.GetValueInt()
	int smiteUtilityWaitCountTemp = smiteUtilityWaitCountHolder.GetValueInt()
	int smiteDamageModSumTemp = smiteDamageModSumHolder.GetValueInt()
	WYUPlayerHolder = Game.GetPlayer()

	int smiteDamageModSumTemp2 = smiteDamageModSumTemp

	If (smiteCountTemp == 0) ; LAST HIT
			; Debug.Notification("LAST HIT")
			; CAST the discharge
			; DISPEL all earlier effects
			; RESET the number of hits to discharge
			; RESET the modified damage
			; FLAG the reset of the Enchantment
			; CHANGE global variables
			WYUSpellSmitingFireStorm.Cast(WYUPlayerHolder, WYUPlayerHolder)

			WYUPlayerHolder.ModActorValue("MeleeDamage", -1 * smiteDamageModSumTemp2)

			; Debug.Notification("Player Damage currently " + WYUPlayerHolder.GetAV("MeleeDamage") + " dropped by " + smiteDamageModSumTemp2)

			smiteCountTemp = Utility.RandomInt(3, 6)
			smiteDamageModSumTemp = 0
			smiteFiredTemp = 0


			If (smiteFiredTemp == 0) ; NEVER FIRED / CEASED / COMPLETED

					; FLAG as fired
					; INCREMENT the Utility Counter
					; MAKE a UtilityTimer to Kill the Enchant Chain if it remains incomplete
						; FIRE the UtilityTimer only if it is the last timer standing, to prevent an Earlier Timer from Killing a Younger Chain

					smiteFiredTemp = 1
					smiteUtilityWaitCountTemp = smiteUtilityWaitCountTemp + 1

					Debug.Notification("Utility Counter is " + smiteUtilityWaitCountTemp)

					; Utility.Wait(30)
					; LOAD the Globals Again to UPDATE IT
					; smiteUtilityWaitCountTemp = smiteUtilityWaitCountHolder.GetValueInt()
					; smiteDamageModSumTemp = smiteDamageModSumHolder.GetValueInt()

					;If (smiteUtilityWaitCountTemp <= 1)	
					;		WYUPlayerHolder.ModActorValue("MeleeDamage", -smiteDamageModSumTemp)
					;		WYUPlayerHolder.SetScale(1.0)

					;		Debug.Notification("Player Damage currently " + WYUPlayerHolder.GetAV("MeleeDamage") + " dropped by " + smiteDamageModSumTemp)

					;		smiteCountTemp = Utility.RandomInt(3, 6)
					;		smiteFiredTemp = 0
					;		smiteDamageModSumTemp = 0
					;		smiteCountHolder.SetValueInt(smiteCountTemp)
					;		smiteDamageModSumHolder.SetValueInt(smiteDamageModSumTemp)
					;		smiteFiredHolder.SetValueInt(smiteFiredTemp)	

			; give me a random effect
			; make me big
			; add to my damage
			; reduce the smite count

			; do weaker things at random (same for now)
			int ArrayRandomizer = Utility.RandomInt(0, ArrayLengthMinusOne)
			WYUsmiteSpellArray[ArrayRandomizer].Cast(WYUPlayerHolder, WYUPlayerHolder.GetCombatTarget())

			float GetScaleTemp = WYUPlayerHolder.GetScale()
			GetScaleTemp = GetScaleTemp + 0.1

			; smiteDamageModSumTemp = smiteDamageModSumTemp +  ((10 - smiteCountTemp/10) * WYUPlayerHolder.GetLevel())
			int Modifier = WYUPlayerHolder.GetLevel()
			smiteDamageModSumTemp = smiteDamageModSumTemp +  Modifier 
			WYUPlayerHolder.ModActorValue("MeleeDamage", Modifier )

			Debug.Notification("Player Damage currently " + WYUPlayerHolder.GetAV("MeleeDamage") + " increased by " + Modifier )

			smiteCountTemp = smiteCountTemp - 1






Thank you for any help/ideas, much appreciated.

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