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Leveled Giants and Mammoths


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All right... maybe this is easy to do with the creation kit (I haven't messed with it yet, but if someone can give me directions, it would be great...) I mean, I don't think a patch have to be created for it, just a few quick edits with the CK.


Is it possible to make giants and mammoths level up just like the player and ALL the other creatures in the game (and not have a fixed level 30 and 600 for health)? 'Cause really, I'm growing tired of getting attacked by a dragon in the wilderness, just to see it getting destroyed in 10 seconds by a giant and it's mammoth. I'm also tired of giant "one hit wonders" and flying 100 feet into the air. Cause it just plain sucks. Yeah, it's funny the first time, but it gets boring after a while.


Can somebody please help out? Thanks in advance...

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