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Yellow skyrim screen. I NEED HELP!


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Hello guys,

I recently tried installing the tetrachromatic enb, it was nice but my rig is to weak, so I deleted it and played again. It worked just fine until I decided I want the skyrim knights instaled again. So I exit the game, instal the mod trough nexus, and reinstal "a lot of dual sheet reduc patches" and start the game again. Now comes the fun part, game works fine on the menu and loading screen, but when I load my last save (which is in silian manor house mod) the screen is yellow and I cant run fight or anything else I can open the menu and exit the game and activate console commands, when I load the previous save, which is in solitude in front of castle dour I apper in first person beneath solitude, and I mean really beneath solitude in the rocks, the world looks like I used tcl but I cant move or change the perspective, I can use magic though, and exit the game, that's all.

I haven't tried how it looks with a new game, couse I lost my nerves and now I am typing from work.

I ran loot-no errors,

I unistaled skyrim knights, and still it was the same.

Please let me know if there is a way to save the game without reinstalling it or loosing my char.


Thanks in advance.

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