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Great idea for a Harry Potter Mod


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I wish someone (or a group of modders) would take the time to make a Harry Potter mod. My idea is that if you went to the college in winterhold, a mage will come down and ask for your help because a friend of his vanished after opening a book. you go into the college to take a look at the book called Harry Potter and the.. whatever you want to call it. Then you are teleported to hogwarts castle where you meet all of your favorite characters and are able to explore various parts and maybe later on in the modding process we could add more like the lake and the forbidden forest. You could also use the video game Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for getting the outline of the castle.

Just and idea guys i would like to know what you think about it.

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The Harry Potter franchise is vicious and vindictive. They don't let anybody make Harry Potter mods because they say that they will compete with the official video games and make poor Mrs. Rowling lose money. So if someone builds a Harry Potter mod, it is going to get pulled down.


What could be done however, is to make a mod that is an awful lot like Harry Potter, but never uses any names or other definite characteristics from it. You could have a fun wizard school of some sort and have no legal problems.

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The Harry Potter franchise is vicious and vindictive. They don't let anybody make Harry Potter mods because they say that they will compete with the official video games and make poor Mrs. Rowling lose money. So if someone builds a Harry Potter mod, it is going to get pulled down.


What could be done however, is to make a mod that is an awful lot like Harry Potter, but never uses any names or other definite characteristics from it. You could have a fun wizard school of some sort and have no legal problems.

Who is "They"?

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