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"Exploding mesh" issue when porting a follower mod to SSE


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Hi. I'm trying to port this follower mod to SSE. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69288/?


But I'm getting the "exploding mesh" issue.





I already used SSE NIF Optimizer on all the meshes. Default setting on regular meshes and head part setting on head part meshes. So what am I missing that's causing this problem?

Edited by yic17
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By eliminating one facial part at a time, I finally found that the problem is caused by her mouth in her facegeom nif. I set all other parts (eyes, hair, hairline, brows) to Has_Tangents and they turn out fine. But when I add it for mouth, she starts having that glitch. So I tried removing her mouthhumanf.nif. That didn't help so that mesh is not the problem. Now I can't figure out what's the issue with setting Has_Tangents for her mouth. And if I don't set it, she doesn't have mouth mesh (and teeth) in-game. Can someone please help me solve this?


Here's different variations of the facegeom nif.


All parts no tangents: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxKqQVsldfzXWWFrbVV3SWVwQUE

All parts except mouth no tangents: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxKqQVsldfzXbWlxMVl0MmsyU2M

All parts has tangents: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxKqQVsldfzXVEt5a0ZBNERZUjA

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