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Custom hair crash in CK


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I've been trying to add custom made hairs (not made by me), such as coolsims etc. that can be used to mod npcs. (not replacers) but everytime I try to add a hair to an npc, i get a giant string of errors with a CK crash. Does anyone else have this trouble, or does anyone else know what I am doing wrong? Please help. Thanks
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Ok, maybe if I'm more specific. If I add a custom hair to the CK or even open an esp of a custom hair made by someone else and then I add that custom hair to an npc and preview it in "full" (I can't see them in the head preview) I get a long string of "assertion errors" something about bsshader errors. I used to mod npcs in oblivion all the time and never had this trouble. Some of the hairs seem to work fine without a crash, but many of them do not. Anyone else run into this? I've researched as much as possible and have not found anyone else having this problem. Thanks.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same issue. This is my workflow:


I export everything from max to a .Nif file


I edit the nif file according to the tutorials around,


I replace BSLightingShaderProperty from a vanilla hair and relocate textures


I Tried even copy/paste NiAlphaProperty from another hair


Change "has vertex color" to "yes" in NiTriShapeData


Edit the BSDismemberSkinInstance to match the other vanilla hair models (131 the first branch and 141 the second)


Save and test. but it still crashes.






Does anyone knows how to do it propperly?

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Weeeell. since this has caught the attention of the impressive number of just 2 people, I think I may just give up on the idea of getting any help.




Fortunately, I kinda figured it out on my own. and I'm gonna post all the steps I followed to get a working new hair mesh in skyrim using 3ds Max 2011.





1.Get your tools and mesh ready. and the textures ready too. I'll asume that you are up to this point. I used the latest Nifskope 1.1.0 RC6 but I replaced the default xml.nif for throttlekitty's xml.nif so be sure to do the same because this is the way It worked for me.

2.In 3dsMax. import an existing hair Model. I used one of the vanilla models for my test. but this is the step where apparently I was failing. Other tutorials on importing new meshes showed wich options to use, so I followed those. but after seeing no progress, I started a trial and error process until I came up with this Import setting. this will Import the missing Root Node, wich is something like the file name of the hair (i.e. hair09.nif)



3.Now that you have a hair model In max, turn off the modifiers and you'll see that the hair model goes all the way down to the zero point. I advise to delete the BsDismemberment modifier since its easier for you to just recreate it.

4.Go to materials, Import new Material and select from the scene the Material used by the original hair mesh. save it in a slot in the material library

5.Now, Position your custom Hair mesh In the Zero Point and then select the original hair mesh. then go to the edit mesh modifier and into element sub object mode. then select all the hair parts and move it sideways, away from the custom hair model, now attach the custom model and then delete the original mesh that you moved apart. (you could also use skinwrap for adding the skin modifier but this is what I usually do.) The reason for doing it this way is that I can retain the properties from the original hair model. like the way it is connected with the hair root (i.e. Hair09.nif) Instead of Scene Root.

6.If you need to adjust the weights in the skin modifier, do so. and make sure you recreate the BSDismemberSkinInstance and do 2 Partitions. the first is the head part, wich in my case, was the top part of the head, and the second partition, was head2 wich is the lower part of the model. make sure that all the faces that you didn't select in the first partition, are selected in the second partition.

7.Now, the model is almost ready. just select the hair and apply the Material you copied to the mat. library.

8.You can Make a few changes now, Like renaming the Hair Mesh to something like, "HairFemaleCustom" without spaces, and Also Rename the Root Node to the name you're going to give your file. i.e. If your new file is going to be HairFemaleCustom.nif then rename the root node, wich previusly was hair09.nif to HairFemaleCustom.nif

9.Now, Export. I used this settings.



10.Now, open nifskope, open your new hair. and in another instance of niskope, open the hair you used as reference.

11.In NiNode, It still Says Root Node, you should double clic this and add the value pertaining to HairFemaleCustom.nif (in my case, It was 2)

12.Copy the BSLightinhShaderProperty and NiAlphaProperty from the vanilla hair into the new one and replace them in NitriShape node. under properties, in the new hair. Dont Forget to replace your own textures from BsShaderTextureSet

13.In NiTriShapeData change "has vertex color" to "yes"

14.In BsDismemberSkinInstance, Collapse both partitions and Replace the values as the other tutorials show, in the first partition, double clic the value, select all and write 131 and in the second write 141, but since I replaced the original nif.xml with throttlekitty's, When I do this, After I change the values, It changes to something like SBP_131_HAIR and SBP_131_LONGHAIR



15.Use the Conformulator to generate a valid .Tri File, there's a tutorial for that already. so... that's it.



Try your new hair in the creation kit. in theory, it should work.




I hope this is useful for someone.




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I plan to use your steps in order to import some oblivion mods for personal use until I can get a hold of authors.


thank you :) I will re-post once I finish importing my first model.

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