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Anyone able to add new sound effects via CK?


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Basically what I'm trying to do is have a certain sound effect play when something specific happens in the game. I have the new sound in the proper Skyrim directory, and I've created a new Sound Marker and a new Sound Descriptor. The sound effect plays in the CK, so I know that part works. I've found the Papyrus script to edit, and I've added all the necessary lines there to have the sound play on a certain event.


The problem is that when the sound is supposed to play, it doesn't and instead returns 0 (the sound failed to play). I know the changes I've made to the script work because I've added Debug.notification messages that appear in-game when they're supposed to. I also tried using a pre-existing sound instead of my own, and that plays properly. But I can't for the life of me get my sound to play.


Anyone else have some success with this or suggestions?

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Sorry, I should have specified that in order to create the new sound marker and sound descriptor, I duplicated and then renamed existing ones.


Regardless, I found the answer in another forum. Apparently there's a bug in the CK that when you save the ESP, it will put a "\" in the path to the sound file in the sound descriptor. So instead of the game looking for the sound in skyrim\data\sounds\whatever, it tries to find it in skyrim\data\data\sounds\whatever where it obviously doesn't exist. You can fix this using TESVSNIP and editing the value in the ESP file.

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