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Wake Up Penalties


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You know I find it funny that playing fallout (any of them) you can wake someone up from a restful sleep and they just talk you all nice and friendly.


Show of hands: how many of you will be nice and pleasant should someone wake you up? Would you say "Oh hi! May I help you?" or "Argh! What the heck to do want!"


So I figured that if you wake people up there should be some penalties to speech check, trading, or maybe some brief hostilities. As then fly out of the sack and start shooting, and may even shoot you! But only for a second until they realize you're not an enemy.

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Yeah, I like to play "hide and seek", wake them up and then run away and hide until they find you, work well with new vegas too.


*walk for 10 minutes in the backyard to find the player hidden behind the bush* and say "When I took this assignment I thought there'd be more gambling." *go back to sleep*

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Yeah, I like to play "hide and seek", wake them up and then run away and hide until they find you, work well with new vegas too.


*walk for 10 minutes in the backyard to find the player hidden behind the bush* and say "When I took this assignment I thought there'd be more gambling." *go back to sleep*

Exactly my point. That's hilarious too. I never hid but I did back out of the room.

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Show of hands: how many of you will be nice and pleasant should someone wake you up? Would you say "Oh hi! May I help you?" or "Argh! What the heck to do want!"


I'd say "Gorshdurnit Preston, I just changed the locks... get out, we'll help your settlements later."


To be honest, I think the problem in FO4 Settlers is that there's no owned rooms/houses/areas for settlers. If you enter say Mr. Baseball's home in DC at night and wake him up he won't be very happy. But that's because you're trespassing at that point. :3

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I wonder if an object can be made to emit a radius that will act as owned spaced. When the NPC sleeps the object is activated. Entering the radius the object projects and waking the NPC could simulate the player entering owned space and thus have the same effects as trespassing.... I wonder because I don't jack about scripting (I'm sure that's obvious based on what I just typed. But I'll gladly admit my faults)

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