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Bows replacement for immersion


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Hello There!


Ever felt disturbed of how a bow could be made out of rock hard glass, iron etc?

I was and a lot of people that know at least a little about bows have been.

Bows depend on the resilience of a material.

Bow can't be made out of glass, nor iron. Not the way Skyrim shows it.


My request is simple.

Please someone replace meshes and names of default bows that shouldn't work with more accurate ones.

Wooden, or out of some other material if exists that would make them more realistic.

It doesn't even have to change the recipe.

At least change the appearance so our mind wouldn't be toyed with by silly developers.


I think that should be one of the first mods that appear.

Thank You.

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the glass bows in skyrim arent actually "glass" they are made out of malachite which is copper carbonate and more akin to a crystal structure

and i dont think there are iron bows in skyrim that would just be silly

Edited by pwnedbyscope
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First. There actually seems not to be an iron bow in fact. But there are Deadric Bows, Ebony Bows and that kinds.

Second I'm not asking for an obvious replacing all the bows mesh with same ones but to make every tier with specific model it.

The mod you gave me is fine for now, but not good enough.

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bows are a tricky thing to try and create, takes a lot of work and stress to pull them off right, what you are asking for, most people arent interested in, the only way i see this being made is if someone with the same idea as you and the modding prowess to do so, otherwise good enough will just have to be good enough
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