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[WIP] Dovahheim -- A Player-Owned Town!


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Tag. This is extremely relevant to my Rebuilding Skyrim proposal / not-yet-outline. It basically seeks to do what the first bits of this does, but for almost every human-built area in the game - pay to renovate cleared zones, protect the worksites until they're complete as bandit/Forsworn/mage hostiles stop respawning and get replaced by friendly NPCs, then watch as Skyrim becomes as prosperous as Cyrodiil if not moreso. I don't need to look at your politics stuff though, as my idea is post-Civil War (each side gets different bonuses) and would lead to the economic end of the Forsworn movement.
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First off, I love what you got going here. I would be happy to help you out, if you like. I have made my way around the creation kit and can at least be an extra pair of hands for a while. Not so hot with making structures and stuff, but scripts and quests and items and all I can do.


I use the Warzones mod as well, and ended up running into this event when I was headed to the town to kill off that bandit leader. It turned what was once a simple errand into an epic encounter. Legionnaires and Forsworn slugging it out right outside the gates, some of the fighting bleeding into the town and dragging the bandits into the battle. It took my mage (only level like 6) and three companions a solid 10-15 minutes to wade through the melee and clear the place out and damn did it get hairy a couple of times. Due to some previous run-ins with the Thalmor, I was on the Legions bad side and it turned into a four way fight pretty fast. All together I think it made the taking of the town that much better. I would say its not really a conflict, but more of an awesome combination of mods. I am looking forward to the next time that bridge is used as a battlefield.


ISome things I have thought about or looked at... It looks like the "home" of an npc can be changed dynamically via script without editing the original character asset in the CK, thus preventing a conflict. Using a new power or a special faction dialogue you could make it so followers could move in. It may also be possible to set it up so that followers could be shopkeepers in the town when not following you. Get them to actually use the crafting skills they have by default. Hell, as I think of this I might be able to set up some functions to allow you to allocate villagers to jobs, maybe even getting output from them. I will have to take a look at some script functions, but it seems possible at first blush. If it worked, you could add a little more depth to making the town. Instead of buildings costing gold, they could require X of various materials that your villagers could provide over time. You could make training areas for guards and/or followers that can add perks or skill ranks for a cost+/time, and since they are added via script they would not conflict. Owning a town could be epic.

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Yeah, Warzones isn't a compatibility concern at the moment. Where my concerns lie, though, is once I begin to expand the town's borders -- while it's epic to have Forsworn and Legionnaires slugging it out right outside the walls, it would be concerning if they spawned inside the walls and began ravaging the town! It's something I have to look at still -- if those spawn points are outside where I intend to put the walls, then no problem, but if not...


I'm not sure I want to go the "X resources" route. It feels too RTS-y, and adds new elements rather than becoming a much-needed gold sink (far too little for high-level characters to spend their ginormous amounts of accumulated coin on in vanilla, but if they could invest that in building up an entire town...). That being said, there will be at least some similar elements, notably in the form of quests required to gain certain upgrades (as opposed to just outright buying them).

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