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Magnolia Romance Over Override

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Well.....the romance is over and Magnolia won't bed me anymore. There is a mod that uses a ton of scripts to allow me to consummate the relationship again BUT......the change in dialogue is conditioned by only ONE variable.


I've already hacked the dialogue conditions to get the option to return BUT, that just added another mod to my load order.


What I want to do is use Magnolia's normal negative response to CHANGE it back. That would be a simple script fragment I would think but my Papyrus sux.


The quest is DialogueGoodneighbor (00033582) and the variable that gets changed from ZERO to ONE is ::MagnoliaRelationshipOver_var.


I was also thinking I could change it back with the console using "CallQuestFunction <Quest> <function> <parameters>, so that I'm not even messing with the quest but I'm not 100% sure how to do that.


SO....any advice on either using the console or how to script fix this very simple change in one variable so I can avoid a script heavy mod that basically does the same thing?


EDIT - OK...anyone who wants to change the variable back to allow continued dates with Magnolia and doesn't want to add a script heavy mod to their load order can use the console:


setpqv 00033582 MagnoliaRelationshipOver_var 0

Edited by Guest
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