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fallout who broke


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if your unaware of the mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23859/?

basicly it starts by you going into a cellar geting 3 items one of whitch is a old pocketwatch, in video around the internet you equip it you get a blue light and the old journel updates except one problem.


i equip the watch nothin, load an old save try again nothing, it just doesnt work and i dont know why, i tried installing it with NMM without NMM manualy. IT DOESNT WORK

EDIT: i found the issue, first off i updated to .6 and then when i equiped the watch it said my perception needed to be higher so i cheated round that with console commands and it works fine now, i persume this would have still worked in .1 but they forgot to add the messege "your perception needs to be higher"

i fiqured i might as well leave this here in case anyone else comes across the same problem

EDIT 2: now the tardis isnt showing up

EDIT 3: went back to .1 and now its shown up THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DONT ALLOW NMM

Edited by bloxrocks
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