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ENB Help


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So I recently started using a new ENB to turn Fallout 4 into a kind of horror game. It's called Pilgrim Dread the Commonwealth. Well, i was looking into the screenshots and then back to my game and there seems to be some kind of disconnect. While their game screenshots show this grim but seeable world mine is mostly just pitch black. I don't quite understand why though. There is no in-depth tutorial on how to edit this only stating that when you load the game with the mod your game should look like their screenshots. I have been at this for several hours with no help from their personal forums so I'm posting here. Any ideas?


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From the mod description page-




  • Download the ENB 0.311 binaries or latest from ENBDev.com and drop ONLY d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll into the root Fallout 4 folder with the exe files
  • Uninstall any weather mods or dark night mods you have active. Pilgrim is not compatible with them
  • Download the Pilgrim preset and drop the content into the root Fallout 4 folder
  • Download, install, and enable Pilgrim.esp

Toggle-able Effects : Sharpening - Black Bars/Letterbox - Grain - Lens emulation and lift shadows

  • Open the ENB menu with the "end" key
  • Expand the "ENBEFFECTPOSTPASS.FX" from the right menu by clicking it
  • Untick the effects you don't want to use
  • Click "SAVE CONFIGURATION" from upper left corner to keep the changes
  • Close the menu with the "end" key


This video also explains how to install the mod correctly...






Make sure you've uninstalled any other weather mods, as well as any mods that alter the climates & any mods like Darker Nights. Also, make sure that Pilgrim is at the end of your load order.

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I have foolowed your steps and those listed in the mod. No difference still dark as f*** and not what the screenshots show. As a second point i have uninstalled every mod that i had with nexus mod manager. As a final point i will upload a screenshot so that way you can see just what is going on.







To the best of my knowledge the game is not supposed to be this dark. I have looked all over their page trying to find out if they have specific hardware requirements that i dont meet but so far no luck. Any ideas?

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I'm having issues with the last step :

  • Download, install, and enable Pilgrim.esp

How do I work with that ? cause the Pilgrim.esp is already in the root folder.


The previous step Download the Pilgrim preset and drop the content into the root Fallout 4 folder is refering to the Pilgrim files (i.e. the preset) that work with ENB, not the Pilgrim .esp file.

The Pilgrim.esp is a different file, download and install that via your mod manager.

If your still confused, watch the video



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