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[LE] SkyProc help

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Hello. I am the author of Immersive Children (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83554/?), a mod that makes children mortal while fixing issues with child animations and furniture interaction.


I have two issues with the SkyProc patcher (called "One ImCh Patcher") that I have created:

  1. Whenever I press the "Patch" button on the upper-right corner, it always does a check for BOSS. This is extremely annoying to always have to run into when running the patcher, not to mention BOSS is outdated by LOOT anyway. How can I fix my patcher so that it does not always do a BOSS check before patching? I tried solving this by creating a bat file, but I wanted to know if there was a way to solve this without having to click on the bat file in place of the jar executable of my patcher.
  2. My patcher runs into a problem where if one's load order consists of plugins that require USLEEP as a master, the patcher will run into an exception assuming that the USLEEP plugin is not present, when in fact it IS present. This is what it says specfically: "skyproc.exceptions.MissingMaster: (insert mod name here).esp has some missing masters: - Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp". I have used ASIS and notice it does not run into this problem at all, even when mods requiring USLEEP are part of the load order. How can I fix my SkyProc patcher so that this is is resolved?

To be specific, my SkyProc patcher is largely based on the SkyProcStarter project's coding.


I am not a SkyProc patcher expert, so any help would be appreciated.

Edited by acobral
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