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Imperial Bow, Arrows and Quivers As They Should Be


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Can someone please design a bow, arrows and quiver for the legion so that the current "imperial bow" can become a normal "iron bow" that it was meant to be?

If you look in the game mesh files, the so called "imperial bow" is in the iron section and is in fact called "iron bow". I think Bethesda didn't had much time to concept a different bow and in the short time they opt to use the meshes they had created for the iron bow and called it a day. And it would be really cool if you balance the bow so that the damage is [ wooden bow (long bow) » iron bow » imperial bow » steel bow (hunting bow) ] so that the hunting bow will have the same stats as the fake "imperial bow". Oh, and rename the other bows to the names previously mentioned. It just makes more sense... I can still hunt better with a daedric bow but that's not called *hunting bow...

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