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Halfway there, need a little help!


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So I've finally been able to add a custom armor I've been working on into Skyrim. I still need to tweak some of the weighted verticies, but that isn't my main problem.


From several tutorials I've read on making custom armor, none of them ever explain how to import the parts of the mesh for the body. By this I mean I've got a character with no upper arms because no one explained what to do after I skinned the weights to my armor! Can anyone help me with the last step for my custom armor? Please?


P.S. I'm a 3DS Max newb; I was taught how to model in Maya so my armor was imported as an OBJ. If you are going to use Max terms please go a bit into detail (if I need to add a node/shader/whatever, please tell me how to do so, or at least link to a quick tutorial I can look at). Any help is appreciated!

Edited by Durai
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I was thinking something similar to that, but would that make it one mesh? If so, does that mean I redo my texture map to include the skin? Or will they be two separate meshes and I would only have to link the body to the games .dds files?
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