porroone Posted February 19, 2012 Share Posted February 19, 2012 (edited) Wow that looks very promising, so If I understand it correctly basically what you did is changing the gravity on the player when the ring is equipped, then use that to hover up, take off the ring and thats the part that I dont get, how does it slowly falls down ? shouldnt you fall instantly to the ground when you take off the ring ?Im going to mess with that stuff right noww hehe thanks a lot.Edit: After reading it properly I see it sets the gravity mul, that explains why it does fall slowly, one thing tho where did u find that setting ? Edited February 19, 2012 by porroone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
porroone Posted February 19, 2012 Share Posted February 19, 2012 (edited) Well after that bit of code (removing gravity) my ring works perfect now I might even make an official release, I just need to find a better animation, the one im using right now its kind of glitchy.Edit: here is the code im currently using, this one works perfect.Scriptname __PlyFly extends ObjectReference Idle property JumpFall auto Armor property DuneFlyingRing auto Actor property Player auto import utility import form import game import debug import actor float bearing float elevation float speed float posx float posy float posz float move float dtime Event OnEquipped(Actor Player) Debug.MessageBox("motherf***er") Utility.SetIniFloat("fInAirFallingCharGravityMult:Havok",0) while Player.IsEquipped(DuneFlyingRing) Fly() endWhile endEvent Event OnUpdate() if Player.IsRunning() && move == 1 debug.notification("am i running") Fly() endIf endEvent Event OnTranslationComplete() move = 0 Fly() endEvent function Fly() if Player.IsRunning() posx = Player.GetPositionX() posy = Player.GetPositionY() posz = Player.GetPositionZ() bearing = Player.GetAngleZ() elevation = Player.GetAngleX() speed = 1000 if bearing < 90 posx += (bearing)*speed posy += (90 - bearing)*speed elseif bearing > 90 && bearing < 180 posx +=(180 - bearing)*speed posy +=(90 - bearing)*speed elseif bearing > 180 && bearing < 270 posx += (180 - bearing)*speed posy += (bearing - 270)*speed elseif bearing > 270 posx += (bearing - 360)*speed posy += (bearing - 270)*speed endif posz = Player.GetPositionZ() - (elevation*speed) Player.PlayIdle(JumpFall) Player.TranslateTo(posx,posy,posz,Player.GetAngleX(),Player.GetAngleY(),Player.GetAngleZ(),speed,1) RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.2) if Player.IsSprinting() move = 0 endIf else Player.StopTranslation() endIf endFunction Event OnUnequipped(Actor Player) Player.StopTranslation() Debug.MessageBox("unequipped") Utility.SetIniFloat("fInAirFallingCharGravityMult:Havok",1.35) endEvent Edited February 19, 2012 by porroone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keldis Posted February 19, 2012 Share Posted February 19, 2012 I found the Setting inside the TESV.exe with a Hex Editor. But one question about your new script, the Actor Property Player, you do set it to PlayerRef right? Because nothing happens when attaching the script to the ring or another armor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
porroone Posted February 19, 2012 Share Posted February 19, 2012 Yea I do use PlayerRef, maybe you need to define the Armor property aswell, I always do it in case, but I think that attaching the script to the ring should call the OnEquipped event when the player equips the ring, in any case use a Debug.MessageBox to see if its triggering it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
porroone Posted February 19, 2012 Share Posted February 19, 2012 (edited) Ok after what you said I did some debugging and turns out you are right, the script needs to be attached to the actor instead of the ring, which kind of sucks, anyway around it ?Edit: ok this is driving me nuts, I cant get it working now. Edited February 19, 2012 by porroone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firas55556 Posted February 19, 2012 Share Posted February 19, 2012 What if you add a player race modifier to dragon race and change the jumpfall to the dragon hover animation?I've only done very, very light scripting so not sure how to implement it.Would be a way to get dragon transorfmations work, albeit the camera would have to be fixed as well as the fact that you can only fly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimhsu Posted February 19, 2012 Share Posted February 19, 2012 Gravity ... Wow they included everything and the kitchen sink this time. Looking forward to a release. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
porroone Posted February 19, 2012 Share Posted February 19, 2012 Well for some reason I cant get it working now, I made a standalone mod (My original ring was inside a custom mod I had) and it just doesnt work, god knows why. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimhsu Posted February 19, 2012 Share Posted February 19, 2012 On 2/19/2012 at 4:01 PM, porroone said: Well for some reason I cant get it working now, I made a standalone mod (My original ring was inside a custom mod I had) and it just doesnt work, god knows why. I assume you checked your properties? Other than that, try a Use Info on your original ring, activators, etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
porroone Posted February 19, 2012 Share Posted February 19, 2012 (edited) Well after doing some debugging I know exactly whats wrong, basically it doesnt get the ring, thats why the IsEquipped function doesnt run anything, funny thing adding a 2nd script that returns the ring works, so I think ill stick to that.Edit: Well I just have no idea on how to call the damn ring inside the script if the script is inside the ring, tried adding the armor as "Armor property FlightRing auto" then went to properties, look for the damn ring there, ok, save, I have a debug.MessageBox that shows me the name of the item and it returns None, if I try with "self" which usually returns the object is running the script it returns something like name of the script + inContainer or something like that, but still the IsEquipped function doesnt recognaise it as valid, so the only way I see to do this is adding the script to the player, its the only way this can work.Edit2: Anyway the actor thing works but I cant seem to play the animations and I dont know why, here is the new working code, needs to be added to Player:Scriptname __PlyFly extends Actor Idle property flyAnim auto Armor property RingFF auto Actor property Player auto import utility import form import game import debug import ObjectReference float bearing float elevation float speed float posx float posy float posz Event OnObjectEquipped(Form RingFF, ObjectReference akObjectReference) Player = Game.GetPlayer() if Player.IsEquipped(RingFF) Utility.SetIniFloat("fInAirFallingCharGravityMult:Havok",0) while Player.IsEquipped(RingFF) Fly() endWhile endIf endEvent function Fly() if Player.IsRunning() posx = Player.GetPositionX() posy = Player.GetPositionY() posz = Player.GetPositionZ() bearing = Player.GetAngleZ() elevation = Player.GetAngleX() if Player.IsSprinting() speed = 5000 else speed = 1000 endIf if bearing < 90 posx += (bearing)*speed posy += (90 - bearing)*speed elseif bearing > 90 && bearing < 180 posx +=(180 - bearing)*speed posy +=(90 - bearing)*speed elseif bearing > 180 && bearing < 270 posx += (180 - bearing)*speed posy += (bearing - 270)*speed elseif bearing > 270 posx += (bearing - 360)*speed posy += (bearing - 270)*speed endif posz = Player.GetPositionZ() - (elevation*(speed*2)) PlayIdle(flyAnim) Player.TranslateTo(posx,posy,posz,Player.GetAngleX(),Player.GetAngleY(),Player.GetAngleZ(),speed,1) else Player.StopTranslation() endIf endFunction Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form RingFF, ObjectReference akObjectReference) Player.StopTranslation() Utility.SetIniFloat("fInAirFallingCharGravityMult:Havok",1.35) endEvent Edited February 19, 2012 by porroone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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