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Fixes dont work for the lod/low res texture bug.


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I'm not the type of person who likes asking for help but there is simply nothing else i can do. I've looked on a bunch of forums and the like to find a fix for the lod/low res bug but neither of the purported fixes I've seen for the issue work for me in the slightest. setting ForceVideoMemorySize to true does nothing and iTexMipMapSkip to -1 is equally as useless. I've even upgraded from a gtx 950 to a 1060 6gb. I'm probably just stupid though and the solution is right in front of me or something. :psyduck:

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The ForceVideo size setting in ENB makes it worse for me, recommend you turn it off The game loves Vram up to around 4-5gb, thats when itbseems to peak. You might try setting a page file of 8 or 16gb on your fastest drive.


Some areas and some textures have big issues that I havent been able to solve from day 1 this game was released. The quarry near concord and highway roads being big culprits.

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Using ENB VRAM makes things worse, as said. It also increases loading times. The easiest way to solve the issue is to buy an SSD. It also gets rid of small stutters and solves the weapon change delay bug. Also loading times get acceptable. I had the issue too and i couldnt find any other solution (i really tried). I followed the adivse to buy an SSD and yes, its really amazing, specially for fallout 4.

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  • 3 months later...

The problem is still around. I'm running a GTX 1080 with 8Gb with a i7 7700 4.2Gh and 16Gb RAM... and the blurry textures still abound, especially on free way surfaces. Not only are they blurry but objects actually appear to sink into the surface. All I've got to say is if Beth can't fix this issue so the game will run on what I've got then I don't think I'll be buying anymore Beth Games. I suspect that any optimizing they did or that gets done is geared toward consoles and we newly minted second class citizens can simply expect things like this from now on.

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I get the same issue on some freeway surfaces with a 1080. With a 980 ti I got it more often.


Now with a 1080 ti I get it less frequently.


Two more generations of high end Nvidia cards and it should be gone altogether.


Ha Ha.



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