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Mods enabled but not detected


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I just got Fallout 4 on PC because I wanted to be Darth Vader and generally have fun with mods that I couldn't use on PS4. I got everything up and running fine for the first two days, but I noticed that now my mods aren't recognized by the game. I poked around on Google and found something mentioning that the plugins.txt file needs asterisks in front of the mods, so I manually added them in and everything seems to work.


The easiest way to explain it I suppose is to show the order I did things in:

1) installed NMM

2) followed Gopher's videos on setting up for mods and F4SE (including modifying the .ini files)

3) loaded and installed mods

4) ran LOOT (which usually throws a fit why Applying the load order)

5) run Fallout 4


After loading/continuing I get a big green box warning me that I am missing mods and something bad migh... yadda yadda yadda. It was at that point I started manually adding the asterisks in and then playing and it worked. Is there a way around this? I won't lie, I am new to mods and working with/around them but I am hoping that I can learn a bit more about why this happens so I can understand the process better.


Any help or ideas is appreciated, thanks.

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