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Fallout 4 Vendors - Return on Investment


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For some of those who love making money in game or are interested in growing an empire of settlements would need a heafty ammount of dough to build them all up.


So what I am asking is that for those who are to build toward the end game, would be able to invest early on into venders and recieve daily caps. Instead of just investing the 500 caps with the 3rd level of cap cillector. This would give the game a more sense of realism since you can invest in markets, and a goal for those who want to run an empire.


What do you guys think?

- Invest X,000 amount

- Recieve X,00 amount back daily/annually.

- More you invest the more you recieve.

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I think that something like this would be cool. In order to make it not so cheaty, you would need to look and keep track of the market and then just go off of a gut instinct on what and what not to buy. It could be a system of having it where you may lose money as maybe what you invested in may have gone to poop or something happened to your money. It could be a chance thing or something like that. Another way would be if you didnt always go to look at your stocks or whatever then you could have some NPC manage everything for you but the better they are, the more costly they are to hire and to keep them. You could even have it where the markets could flood with too much of something causing the prices to drop along with value for selling. There are many more possible ways of going about this and would be something that I would also be interested in.

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Investment is not investment without the risk of loss. IF someone makes this, you need to add in elements of losing money, maybe manage an ROI variable on each investment that is affected by several factors like excess supply, low demand, shortages, emergencies, epidemics for med supplies etc etc

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