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Bank w/ Features


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I remember back in the Morrowind days, there was a wonderful mod which added a bank to Balmora. This mod had you sign up for an account, and as you rose the ranks faction-style, you would earn more interest on the gold in your account. The mod also allowed you to buy deeds to various user-made homes across Vvardenfell. I know it might not seem like much, and it's inevitable that someone will release a bank mod soon enough, I had a couple more specific ideas in mind for what I was looking for.


1) a bank, where you earn interest based on your account type and deposited gold

2) different account plans, instead of simply a linear faction-style account progression.

For instance, you start off with a standard account, or pick from a short list of basic accounts. As you spend more time with the bank, or if you deposit particularly large amounts of gold often, you can be eligible for premium accounts, preferred customers accounts, etc.

Each account type would offer different bonuses to the player, and some might even have a daily/weekly fee of some sort. As for what kind of benefits, I don't know. Perhaps something to do with real estate, or one account gets you large interest weekly, another small interest daily. One account might(let's call it the merchants account) allow for an employee to sell some unwanted goods for you for a percentage<There was a shopkeep mod for Oblivion that did just this, and it was wonderful>. Perhaps there could be a market exchange in the bank which would allow various discounts to trade, say, iron ores for ebony ores, and so on and so on.

3) buying real estate seems like it could add a lot to the game, and if possible, maybe being able to rent out unused homes to randomly generated npcs. At the least, I would like to see a bank where I could buy a handful of deeds off them.

4) a stock exchange would be awesome, if it's even possible. Maybe put stock in different holds, or individual shops. Perhaps different regions, and random events could occur(just through text) which would cause, say, Mournhold's stock to plummet while High Rock's skyrockets.

5) a market exchange, like mentioned before. Exchange raw goods for other goods. Buy goods such as ingredients/food/mats in bulk with gold or credited to your account(DEBT!!! LOL, mobsters could hunt you down if you haven't paid your bills!!), to be delivered a day or two after purchase. The more you buy, the higher the discount. Different account types might earn you higher discounts for particular goods, while others get lower discounts.


So, basically something more akin to a modern bank rather than a simple bank.


I know it's a lot, and I don't even know if all this is possible, but that's my wishlist. If someone thinks they're up to it, you would definitely have my appreciation. If not, no biggie, as the only thing I would really want is number 1, and I'm sure it'll be done soon enough anyway. So, just throwing some ideas out there.


If someone IS up to it, I'd be more than happy to contribute any way I can. I've not good at making mods more complex than building mods, and I haven't even tried using Skyrim's CK yet, so I don't know how much help I would be in that respect, but I'm good with ideas and working out details, even if it might not show. I just threw this together off the top of my head in a few minutes.

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Nice, I'll definitely check that one out once it's more fleshed out. Thanks.


Yeah, I read up on it and decided not to try it until it's in a later stage. However, it looks like it has the potential to be an awesome mod and should have most of the things you're wanting.

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