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Nick Valentine uses robot repair kits instead of stimpaks


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Just an annoying little immersion issue, but I believe Nick should require robot repair kits, not stimpaks, when downed. From his dialogue: 'I'm still mechanical, not bioengineered like the fancy synths giving everyone the willies these days. I get tune-ups now instead of check-ups.'


This change has been attempted with the following mod, but users have reported that it's permanently broken the cure hotkey for him altogether, and the author hasn't been online in 9 months:



It would be excellent to see this implemented correctly, preferably reversibly if possible in the event that people do experience issues with it.

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I've never tried that mod in-game, but I downloaded it and looked inside, and it is super-simple, like unbreakably simple, and it seems like it really ought to work just fine.


If you're having a problem, I bet you 100 prewar money it's a conflict with another mod altering Nick Valentine's NPC record. (Not his clothes, but maybe his appearance.)


If you open it in FO4Edit, you'll see the only difference between this mod and vanilla is one field. The author just switched "can use stimpak" to "can use repair kit." Assuming that ever worked at all in the first place, it should still work now.

Edited by PaddyGarcia
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I was the one who had that issue. I installed the mod before even beginning the quest where you get Nick, and then I could not heal him, ever.


I suggest you get him, dismiss him, now install the mod, then make him your follower, and check if it works for you.


From how I understood the whole system, a keyword is added when a follower actually starts following you, and removed afterwards. So it's probably a good idea not to change that stuff while he is actually following you.

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Doh. Shows what I know (not so much), especially about how keywords and scripts work. I sorta never thought of the scripts... I probably owe you 100 Pre-war money.


I looked and saw that those simpak/repairkit keywords are called in the HC_ManagerScript and also the HC_HealCompanionObjectAliasScript, so it seems like you're probably right about what's wrong.


I originally said, assuming it ever worked in the first place, it should still work now. And it seems like it must have worked at some point, or the author wouldn't have posted it, and he wouldn't have gotten a hundred endorsements. But now I'm thinking maybe it stopped working after a Bethesda update modified the scripts.


If that's the case, and if you're right about it mattering whether Nick is a companion when the mod is installed, then the mod could be fixed with a small script that only let it be changed at a safe time (Companion?Y/N), or else a much more complex script to make it safe any time (work with variables from other scripts). Are you sure that's right? Or maybe it won't work either way, unless you start with a new game? (That would require the harder script.)

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Thanks guys, when I reach Diamond City in my new playthrough I'll try recruiting Nick, dismissing him, installing the mod, then recruiting him again. If someone does end up making a version that only changes it at a safe time, that'd be awesome, too.

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry for posting in a thread that's over a year old, but I really got obsessive over this issue after I decided I liked the idea but found out that the version by OpenSaucer was faulty and game breaking.

It took me days of testing ( :wallbash:) to figure out why his mod didn't work and even though it was a pain I finally figured it out. I will say though, I certainly don't blame OpenSaucer for this, because in the first stages of making my mod it had the very same issues, and the solution to fix it was INCREDIBLY vague. I couldn't figure out why the issue was occurring from any google search, nor did I figure out the issue by looking through the CK website. The mod should have simply been this: edit the properties of Nick's follower script so that the "DLC01PlayerCanRepairKit" keyword would be added instead of the "PlayerCanStimpak" keyword. That alone should have fixed it, but it was not the case. So I say THANKS BETHESDA! For your vague and wacky system. If anyone is to blame it's them. :dry:


For everyone who has posted here and anyone like myself who found this thread through a google search, I have released my own working version of this mod on the Nexus here. Enjoy! :thumbsup:

Edited by JigglesJosh
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