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NPC AI and secret doors.


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Hope this is the right subforum. I'm pretty new to the construction set and recently I've begun trying to mess around with AI. I'm trying to make an NPC go from one area to another area but the two areas are connected by a secret door (i.e. a door that can only be opened by triggering an activator switch next to the door). Without me opening the secret door/wall for him, the NPC simply walks into the wall. Now I understand I can give the activator a persistant ref, make the NPC use the activator, then use the door, but due to the time limitations on the CS, it seems to mean he will have to wait 1 hour after activating the switch before actually walking through the door/open wall. Is there a better way to do this?


Also when you set an NPC to "eat", does the food he/she takes respawn? If not is there a way to make the food respawn?

Edited by ContagiousCure
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