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3ds has me at wits end


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This thread may be repetitive, and if so forgive me, but I'm afraid i'm at my wits end.


I'm a new modder to the community and my friend and I are looking to make a mount mod. Whilst the creation kit end is going swimingly, my end with 3ds max (2012 edition) is difficult to say the least.


My problem stems from the fact that no matter what path I exhaust, 3ds max cannot seem to locate the .nif files after I diligently export the meshes of my choosing (in this case the actor/bear meshes) from the FO3 archive manager into my data folder as somuchmonster's video demonstrated. I've looked up countless tutorials on what my problem may be and through every forum link, every help topic, and every video there seems to be no answer.


Has anyone else encountered this problem?


I come to you now as a last resort and ask kindly for any help offered. Thanks

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Do you have the correct plugin for 3DS that will allow it to see Skyrim meshes? Can you see the gamebrio (spelling) option in the brows window when you File>Import?


My quests might be broke as fu-...crap, but I can import 3D models into 3DS just fine.

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Do you have the correct plugin for 3DS that will allow it to see Skyrim meshes? Can you see the gamebrio (spelling) option in the brows window when you File>Import?


My quests might be broke as fu-...crap, but I can import 3D models into 3DS just fine.


Hmm now that you mention it I don't believe I have that option! Do you know where I can find the plugin perhaps?


Thanks for all the help

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