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CK Question: How can I double-improve a custom armor?


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Hey guys, simple question that might have a complicated answer.


I'm making armor for my follower; just an improved version of Forsworn armor.

I selected the 'constructable objects' tab and made a recipe and temper tab for all pieces of the armors.




I recognized that if you want to double improve your armor, you need a perk, I assigned a light armor perk to each of the pieces.


But I only get this as a result of improving it




I have modded gear that improves smithing 217%, on top of that, I have a 190% potion buff for smithing. 407% total. This is not 407% of the normal number. Could any one lend me their advice on how to fix double improvement? Or how to get the double improving to work?


Before making this fix to the armor (allowing it to be upgradable), I wasn't able to enhance the armor at all. I assumed this would be a one-stop-shop for both of those issues.

Thx guys :)

Edited by evolvedbullet1
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It took me awhile to figure out what you were saying, but I got it now. :D


To those whom it might concern:



Within the individual pieces of armor, their is a 'EditorID' column table with no or some statistics in it (they were automatically created for me once I configured the armor's occupation slot, armor value, everything on this table that was necessary to fill out).


-Go over to this table, right click in a empty space

-Select 'add'

-Type in your keyword (in this case: ArmorMaterialElven)

-Select and confirm.


Than go to the 'Constructable Object' tab, than create a new insert via


-Double click an existing item / Right click in a empty space and hit 'new'.

-Type in the ID 'Temper--ARMORNAME--' or 'Recipe--ARMORNAME--'; the game originally divides the 2 into a creating recipe (Recipe) and a improvement recipe (Temper). In this case, we'll be using 'Temper' for the improvement.

-Select your armor in the drop down box on the top right of this window (CreatedObject).

-Select the ingredients required to upgrade your armor. For more than 1 ingredient, right click the empty thats underneath 'Required Item List' and select 'new'. Now simply select the new ingredient. Their is no need to save these selections individual, it saves on it's own.

-The table 'Match Conditions', we will right click the empty space, hit 'new', and type in 'HasPerk' in the 'Condition Function' dropdown menu (though it is a dropdown menu, you can still type key words that will take you to your selection, manual searching is always an option).

-Now select the box right next to 'Condition Function' (under neath the check boxes), you will see a dropdown menu amongst a few grayed-out ones, select and type in 'elven', it should take you near or at 'Elvensmithing'. Select this and hit ok.

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