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Help for modify bot weapon and sentry shoulder launcher

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Hi everyone,


I am a noob and i recently install fo4edit.


Someone could tell how to add an automatron custom weapon in the robot workbench? I want to modify the fire rate and the number of projectile of the lightning gun and the nuka launcher.


Then, i would to know how to add the s.s.l on assaultron body part and on the power armour as a jet pack option?


Thanks in advance

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I forgot to ask, if anyone know how to make the sentry missile launcher seek target?


If you have links for some tuto.


The fire rate depend on speed or animation delay in weapon section? what happen if i add "automatic" flag to the robot lightning gun?


For the nuka launcher, i want him to fire quickly 3 quantum. Do i need to change fire rate and capacity?

How can i change the quantum projectile to fire less in arc?

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