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Book Tracker


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I am wondering if it's possible to create a mod that tracks all the books you currently own, so when your out in the world one of two things happens:



a) you try to pick up a book and it warns you, you own it already




b) all other versions of said book go "poof!" so you only ever see a book that you need (preferred)




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I am wondering if it's possible to create a mod that tracks all the books you currently own, so when your out in the world one of two things happens:



a) you try to pick up a book and it warns you, you own it already




b) all other versions of said book go "poof!" so you only ever see a book that you need (preferred)





Here is something similar to that, i don't know if you have used it or not.



What it does is make all the books you haven't read glow bright blue... a bit of a realism break but i still find it handy,.

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