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Saved Games repeated corrupt


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Alright, so as you imagine i downloaded a ton of mods after CK. I download one that alters the vampire attributes and another that is a saved game to start off as a vampire.

I Delete one vampire mod for another, get back to the saved game. SAVED GAME CORRUPT...

No biggie, didn't want it all that bad anyway. I delete all modifications to vampires save "daywalker". Then i load up another game, play through its all fine, quit, play again later then SAVED GAME CORRUPT.... and have been getting it ever since,


Now i do carry out some rather stupid things such as modifying my characters attributes as soon as i am unbound at the start.(via console code) Like carryweight health, stamina...

But i tried to reload without those changes.... Still corrupt. So i was wondering dear community if anyone out there has had this issue/resolved it. Any help (at all) would be most appreciated.

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In a new game everything is fine, until i modify the character attributes using either mods or console commands. Also when i alter my characters appearance via showracemenu. I will be able to play on after, but the save will from then on be corrupt no matter what. Still looking for a fix last resort being re install. Also appreciate any others who have the same problem to share whats going on. Could it possibly be a steam or launcher problem?

Also besides daywalker mod i am using expanded eye selection as well as extended slider colors. If any one hass these mods also while experiencing this problem please let me know, maybe we can figure something out...

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K, so, completely uninstalled, reinstalled. No probelem. Exit and re-load, save is good. Save again exit, added extended colors esm and esp. Worked... Changed some skin tones saved quit, load back up .... File corrupted....!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!!!!.... what the hell is going on.

I then deactivate extended colors, reload the game, its fine. Just for ha ha's i change my character again, save, exit. Load up, SAVE CORRUPT... WHYYYYYYYY!?



Can anny one please give me any info on this?

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To save myself from having to type out the problems I'm currently having I'm linking to the rant I posted on my blog about corrupt saves and not being able to save at all. However, I haven't been able to find any info about it anywhere except that others have had the same issues, particularly since the 1.4 patch when my problems started.




I have used Showracemenu a number of times myself without problems and have only been using some very basic mods so far, until I had a CTD in a cave a couple of nights ago. From then on I could load the game and play until I wanted to save and then game immediately CTD"s. Every single time, whether it's a hard save, console save or a quicksave. I have all autosaves turned off as they have always been known to cause issues in previous Bethesda games.


Anyway it says it all in the link. I never thought I'd say this about any game but if I have the same problems when I get around to reinstalling, this game is going in the cupboard until and if it ever gets patched properly by the people who actually created it. I have two characters and 260 hours between them and then this happens after a CTD and the first one I've had for ages.


I had no issues with the 1.3 patch and played most of those hours with it, and had also used "showracemenu" several times without problems, but unfortunately I can't revert because I didn't back up that exe. Even starting a completely new game with all mods removed it still happens after saving successfully a few times. I can initially save normally until after a certain point and I have no idea what that point or cause actually is, except if the game CTD's and it eventually does, I cannot save again.


I wish I had an answer. I never had these awful problems with Oblivion, Fallout 3 and NV and if I did have any issues I could fix them myself or find the info to do it. This game seems to be a mystery of bugs and glitches that compound themselves until finally it fails completely.

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  • 2 months later...

@Maigrets Agreed this game is just gives a bunch of headaches and it fails completely pirated version or legit (I got both.. thought legit wulda been better... i was wrong)




We don't support piracy here.





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