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Ancient Falmer Armor Mash Up


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Hey guys... I wanted to make a PC Mod for, standard skyrim.

I would like to say that, I'm looking into making this myself, but I'm just starting from scratch.

I love the colors of the ancient falmer armor, the hard white very raw looking moonstone with the brown trim, with the red tassels is beautiful.

My big issue with the armor though is it's base model, SLEEVES please. The elven full armor is just that, a full piece of armor, since the design of the waist for the ancient falmer armor and all of it's limbs are already ebony models, I thought it'd just be good to pull in the ol' ebony mail for yet another mash up, just with the ancient falmer textures.

The heavy version would have the same thick side pauldrons slapped on it and all would be fine.

I am looking in to give this a go myself, cause I really hate the idea of sleeveless armor, and especially for heavy armor variants, Iron gets a pass cause it's supposed to be arse. I am a very long way off from having the experience with the creation kit to do this though, even though it seems simple.

Edited by RescueScout
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